iOS 7 in Action cover
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About this Book


If you’re interested in developing apps for iOS, then this book is for you.

There are a few prerequisites to be able to use the book effectively. First, you need to be interested in developing apps for iOS. You should have a Mac or at least a computer that’s running OS X. Also, although object-oriented methodologies and Objective-C are covered in the appendix, it’s helpful to have an understanding of both.

With the prerequisites out of the way, this book is beneficial for developers new to iOS or those who are experienced iOS developers who want to learn more about creating apps for iOS. The book is structured so that you can skip a chapter if you already have a good understanding of the topic. Most of the chapters and the apps we create in them are atomic to allow you to read just the ones you need if you’re already experienced.


This book has 14 chapters and is divided into 3 parts.

Chapter 1 gets your development environment up and running, teaches you about iOS fundamentals, and lets you build your first application.

Chapter 2 gives you an in-depth look at views, controls, and the view coordinate system. You also take a look at view controllers and how to support multiple orientations. This is done while enhancing the application that you built in the first chapter.

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