Chapter 13. Creating basic view controllers


This chapter covers

  • Understanding the importance of controllers
  • Programming bare view controllers
  • Utilizing table view controllers

In the last two chapters, we’ve offered a hands-on look at the two core tools used to program using the SDK: Xcode and Interface Builder. In the process, we haven’t strayed far from the most fundamental building block of the SDK, the view, whether it be a UILabel, a UIWebView, or a UIImageView.

Ultimately, the view is only part of the story. As we mentioned when we looked at the iPhone OS, views are usually connected to view controllers, which manage events and otherwise take the controller role in the MVC model. We’re now ready to begin a three-part exploration of what that all means.

In this chapter, we’re going to look at basic view controllers that manage a single page of text. With that basis, we can look at events and actions in chapter 14, correctly integrating them into the MVC model. Finally, in chapter 15, we’re going to return to the topic of view controllers to look at advanced classes that can be used to connect up several pages of text.

13.1. The view controller family

13.2. The bare view controller

13.3. The table view controller

13.4. Summary
