Chapter 7. Parallel data processing and performance


This chapter covers

  • Processing data in parallel with parallel streams
  • Performance analysis of parallel streams
  • The fork/join framework
  • Splitting a stream of data using a Spliterator

In the last three chapters, you’ve seen how the new Stream interface lets you manipulate collections of data in a declarative way. We also explained that the shift from external to internal iteration enables the native Java library to gain control over processing the elements of a stream. This approach relieves Java developers from explicitly implementing optimizations necessary to speed up the processing of collections of data. By far the most important benefit is the possibility of executing a pipeline of operations on these collections that automatically makes use of the multiple cores on your computer.

For instance, before Java 7, processing a collection of data in parallel was extremely cumbersome. First, you needed to explicitly split the data structure containing your data into subparts. Second, you needed to assign each of these subparts to a different thread. Third, you needed to synchronize them opportunely to avoid unwanted race conditions, wait for the completion of all threads, and finally combine the partial results. Java 7 introduced a framework called fork/join to perform these operations more consistently and in a less error-prone way. We explore this framework in section 7.2.

7.1. Parallel streams

7.2. The fork/join framework

7.3. Spliterator

7.4. Summary
