1 A Developer's Guide to the React Ecosystem


This chapter covers

  • Understanding the concept of Professional React
  • Navigating the React Ecosystem
  • Introducing the React technology stack
  • Creating a proper React stack

Greetings, and welcome to "Job-Ready React", a book for developers who want to take their React skills to the next level to be much more employable in the job market of today. This book assumes that you have a solid understanding of React and are comfortable building simple applications. Explained in very simple terms, you have currently progressed from A to B, and we'll help you go from B to C. But there's a lot more to learn in this segment of the journey, as you can see in figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1 You knew how to write static websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. And then you "just" had to learn React to get to your current level. Now you have to learn ESLint, Prettier, Chrome developer tools, TypeScript, CSS modules, Styled Components, Tailwind UI, Redux Toolkit, Zustand, XState, Immer, Mock Service Worker, TanStack Query, Jest, Testing Library, Next.JS, Remix, Prisma, SQLite, Storybook, Istanbul, and Emotion. That doesn't sound too daunting, does it?

When you arrive at point B, you have done XYZ…. You are now ready to enter the world of what I call professional React development. Let’s look at what that means.

1.1 Why a book on Professional React?

1.2 How does this book teach Professional React Development?

1.3 The React Ecosystem

1.3.1 What's in the Ecosystem?

1.3.2 Navigating the ecosystem

1.4 The Technology Stack

1.4.1 Why do we talk about a tech stack?

1.4.2 The anatomy of a React stack

1.4.3 Joining a project

1.4.4 Create a stack from scratch

1.5 Summary
