This chapter covers:
- Deploying a new Service with Knative Serving
- Updating the Service with Revisions
- Splitting traffic between Revisions
- The major components of Serving and what they do
Serving is where I’m going to start you off in Knative, and the coming chapters will take you into a deeper dive on the major concepts and mechanisms. To begin with I’m going to spend this chapter getting you warmed up in two ways.
To begin with, I’m going to actually use Knative. You’ll notice that I ducked and weaved around this in Chapter 1. I did walk you through an example and that example was realistic. But it was also intended to whet your appetite for the whole book and so necessarily needed to touch on a lot of points. A hypothetical with diagrams and narrative is a quick way to do so.
But now I’m going to put your fingers on a keyboard. We will use the kn
CLI tool to deploy some software, changing its settings, changing its software and finally to configure traffic. I won’t be doing any YAMLeering. We’ll be trying a purely interactive approach to Knative.