This chapter covers
- Generative AI vs. nongenerative AI
- Why PyTorch is ideal for deep learning and generative AI
- The concept of Generative Adversarial Networks
- The benefits of the attention mechanism and Transformers
- Advantages of creating generative AI models from scratch
Generative AI has significantly affected the global landscape, capturing widespread attention and becoming a focal point since the advent of ChatGPT in November 2022. This technological advancement has revolutionized numerous aspects of everyday life, ushering in a new era in technology and inspiring a host of startups to explore the extensive possibilities offered by various generative models.
Consider the advancements made by Midjourney, a pioneering company, which now creates high-resolution, realistic images from brief text inputs. Similarly, Freshworks, a software company, has accelerated application development dramatically, reducing the time required from an average of 10 weeks to mere days, a feat achieved through the capabilities of ChatGPT (see the Forbes article “10 Amazing Real-World Examples of How Companies Are Using ChatGPT in 2023,” by Bernard Barr, 2023, To add a case in point, elements of this very introduction have been enhanced by generative AI, demonstrating its ability to refine content to be more engaging.