About this Book
This book came about because I saw that while there were lots of technical Linux books for people who work with servers, there was nothing to help people learn Linux for desktop work.
My goal is that by the end of this book, you’ll be able to use Linux for your day-to-day system. Linux has gotten much better to work with as a desktop operating system. The interfaces are easier to work with and hardware is much more cooperative.
In fact, Linux gets better and better every year. But it’s still not an easy thing to learn. And while there’s lots of great help online, it varies in quality and in the level of technical ability required to understand and execute.
As you work through this book, I want you to feel as if I’m right there with you, explaining concepts and showing you how to do different things, from using the command line to customizing the look and feel of your entire system. I want to build up your technical skills, as well as your confidence in your ability to manage your own Linux system.
Part I of the book shows you how to get Linux up and running. You’ll learn:
- What Linux is and how it works
- How to install Linux (it’s not as hard as you think!)
- How to get to know your system
- How desktop environments work as well as how to use these new interfaces
Part II prepares you to use Linux for your home office. There you’ll learn: