About This Book
Liferay Portal is a fantastic product for building a web site. It’s incredibly robust and feature-filled, and this book is designed to help Java EE developers learn to use the platform effectively. It doesn’t exhaustively go through every API Liferay has; you are better served by looking at online reference documentation for that. Instead, this book is like a roadmap of practical experience in working with the Liferay platform. I’ve tried to make the book useful to anyone working with Liferay, from the absolute beginner who wants to read the book from cover to cover, to the experienced Java EE developer who wants to dive into subjects of interest.
In order to do this, I’ve created an example company whose web site we’ll work on together throughout the book. The code examples are purposefully designed to hit many of the most-needed Liferay features and APIs that you’ll want to use in your own work, but they stand on their own. Experienced developers should be able to jump in and work with the examples in any order you like.