Chapter 1. Welcome to Linux


This chapter covers

  • What makes Linux different
  • Basic survival skills
  • Getting help

This book turns technology training sideways. Although other books, courses, and online resources organize their content around skills, I’m going to use real-world projects as teaching tools. Each of the core skills and the functionality of Linux systems will be covered—and covered well—but only when needed for a project. When you’re done, you’ll have learned everything you would have from a traditional source, but you’ll also know how to perform more than a dozen vital and sophisticated administration tasks and be comfortable tackling dozens more.

The first two or three chapters will quickly guide you through your initial introduction to the world of Linux servers. After that, you’ll work through and adapt practical hands-on projects, and nothing but practical hands-on projects. Through those projects, you’ll learn more than just commands and skills. Get ready to dive deeper and to eventually create solutions to your own business problems.

1.1. What makes Linux different from other operating systems

1.2. Basic survival skills

1.3. Getting help


Key terms

Security best practices

Command-line review

Test yourself
