Chapter 7. Deploying applications with Marathon


This chapter covers

  • Installing and configuring Marathon
  • Deploying applications and Docker images
  • Using HAProxy for service discovery and routing

In parts 1 and 2 of this book, you learned about the Apache Mesos project and how to configure a Mesos cluster for production use. In part 3, which begins with this chapter, you’ll start putting your Mesos cluster to work by deploying applications and scheduled tasks on a Mesos cluster.

This chapter introduces you to Marathon, a popular, open source Mesos framework developed by Mesosphere that can be used for deploying long-running services and applications—including Docker containers. This chapter is structured in a way that enables you to become familiar with Marathon and application management by using real-world examples.

7.1. Getting to know Marathon

Up to this point, you’ve explored Mesos in the context of running multiple different frameworks and have seen how to achieve better datacenter utilization when you don’t need to statically partition the datacenter. You know that certain Mesos-enabled applications—such as Jenkins and Spark—can connect directly to the cluster and run tasks, but what about a more typical application, or an application contained in a Docker image?

7.2. Deploying Marathon and HAProxy

7.3. Creating and scaling applications

7.4. Creating application groups

7.5. Logging and debugging

7.6. Summary
