10 Asset Loading


This chapter covers:

  • Solving common asset loading challenges in a micro frontends context.
  • Comparing techniques to deal with cacheability and synchronization when loading assets of different teams.
  • Deciding what bundling strategy is appropriate: Many smaller bundles or fewer large ones.
  • Understanding how on-demand loading can be effectively used with micro frontends.

In the last chapters, we covered a lot of different integration techniques. But we always focused on the content - integrating markup on the server and in the client. A topic we only discussed in passing is: How to load the assets associated with a micro frontends? In this chapter, we’ll dive deeper into this significant side-topic. There are at least a handful of aspects that you must consider. How can we ensure that teams can deploy a micro frontend and the needed assets on their own? How do you implement cache-busting to improve cacheability without introducing tight coupling? How do you ensure that the loaded CSS and JS always fits the server-generated markup? How coarse or fine-grain should your bundles be? Do you want one big bundle for your application, one per team, or even smaller ones? How can on-demand loading techniques help in reducing the upfront asset data the browser needs to process?

10.1  Asset referencing strategies

10.1.1  Direct referencing

10.1.2  Challenge: Cache-busting & independent deployments

10.1.3  Referencing via redirect (client)

10.1.4  Referencing via include (server)

10.1.5  Challenge: Synchronizing markup and asset versions

10.1.6  Inlining

10.1.7  Integrated solutions (Tailor, Podium, ….)

10.1.8  Quick Summary

10.2  Bundle granularity

10.2.1  HTTP/2

10.2.2  All-in-one bundle

10.2.3  Team bundles

10.2.4  Page & fragment bundles

10.3  On-demand loading

10.3.1  Proxy micro frontends

10.3.2  Lazy loading CSS

10.4  Summary
