In this chapter, I’ll explain what microservices are and demonstrate why they’re interesting. We’ll also look at the six characteristics of a microservice. Finally, I’ll introduce you to the most important technologies we’ll use in this book: ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC.
A microservice is a service with one, and only one, very narrowly focused capability that a remote API exposes to the rest of the system. For example, think of a system for managing a warehouse. If you broke down its capabilities, you might come up with the following list:
- Receive stock arriving at the warehouse.
- Determine where new stock should be stored.
- Calculate placement routes inside the warehouse for putting stock into the right storage units.
- Assign placement routes to warehouse employees.
- Receive orders.
- Calculate pick routes in the warehouse for a set of orders.
- Assign pick routes to warehouse employees.