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About this Book


Netty is a Java framework for the rapid development of high-performance network applications. It encapsulates the complexities of network programming and makes the most recent advances in networking and web technologies accessible to a broader range of developers than ever before.

Netty is more than a collection of interfaces and classes; it also defines an architectural model and a rich set of design patterns. But until now, the lack of a comprehensive and systematic user’s guide has been an obstacle to getting started with Netty, a situation Netty in Action aims to remedy. Beyond explaining the details of the framework components and APIs, this book will show how Netty can help you to write more efficient, reusable, and maintainable code.

Who should read this book?

This book assumes you are comfortable with intermediate Java topics such as generics and multithreading. Experience with advanced network programming is not required, but familiarity with the basic Java networking APIs will prove very helpful.

Netty uses Apache Maven as its build management tool. If you have not used Maven, the appendix will provide the information you need to run the book’s sample code. You’ll also be able to reuse the sample Maven configurations as starting points for your own Netty-based projects.


Netty in Action has four parts and an appendix.

Part 1: Netty concepts and architecture

Code conventions and downloads


About the authors


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