Chapter 3. Building a simple OAuth client


This chapter covers

  • Registering an OAuth client with an authorization server and configuring the client to talk to the authorization server
  • Requesting authorization from a resource owner using the authorization code grant type
  • Trading the authorization code for a token
  • Using the access token as a bearer token with a protected resource
  • Refreshing an access token

As we saw in the last chapter, the OAuth protocol is all about getting tokens to the client and letting the client use the access tokens to access protected resources on behalf of the resource owner. In this chapter, we’ll build a simple OAuth client, use the authorization code grant type to get a bearer access token from an authorization server, and use that token with a protected resource.


All of the exercises and examples in this book are built using Node.js and JavaScript. Each exercise consists of several components designed to run on a single system accessible from localhost on various ports. For more information about the framework and its structure, see appendix A.

3.1. Register an OAuth client with an authorization server

3.2. Get a token using the authorization code grant type

3.3. Use the token with a protected resource

3.4. Refresh the access token

3.5. Summary
