Chapter 6. OAuth 2.0 in the real world


This chapter covers

  • Using different OAuth grant types for different situations
  • Dealing with native web and browser-based applications
  • Handling secrets at configuration time and runtime

So far in this book, we’ve covered OAuth 2.0 in a fairly idealized state. All the applications look the same, all the resources look the same, and everybody does things the same way. Our extensive example in chapter 2 covered the authorization grant protocol, using a web application with a client secret. All of our exercises in chapters 3, 4, and 5 have made use of the same setup.

Making simplifying assumptions like this is a good way to learn about the fundamentals of a system, but of course the applications we all build in the real world need to live in the real world with all of its variations. OAuth 2.0 anticipates these variations in several ways by allowing flexibility in the OAuth protocol in key places. In this chapter, we’ll look at some of those extension points in greater detail.

6.1. Authorization grant types

6.2. Client deployments

6.3. Summary
