About this Book
This book is for everyone interested in open source ESBs in general and Mule and ServiceMix in particular. For consultants and architects, this book provides an excellent overview of the functionality provided by Mule and ServiceMix and other open source–based integration frameworks. For developers, this book provides numerous code examples and a ready-to-go development environment that you can use to start your projects.
We use Mule 2.0.2 and ServiceMix 3.2.1 in this book. New versions of Mule and ServiceMix will be released at a constant rate; for example when this book went to press, ServiceMix had a new maintenance release, version 3.2.2. If you are looking for updated examples that will work with newer versions of Mule or ServiceMix, please visit our website at http://www.esbinaction.com.
Part 1 of the book starts by explaining the core functionalities of an ESB and the project structure and architecture of Mule and ServiceMix, including some basic examples. Be sure you don’t skip this part!