10 Controlling the entire network


This chapter covers

  • Identifying domain admin users
  • Locating systems with domain admin users logged in
  • Enumerating domain controller volume shadow copies (VSS)
  • Stealing ntds.dit from VSS
  • Extracting Active Directory password hashes from ntds.dit

It’s time to explain the final step in the privilege-escalation phase of an internal network penetration test (INTP). That of course is to take complete control of the enterprise network by gaining domain admin privileges within Active Directory. Domain admin users can log into any machine on the network, provided the machine is managed through Active Directory. If an attacker manages to gain domain admin privileges on an enterprise network, the outcome could be catastrophic for the business. If it’s not clear why, just think about the number of business-critical systems that are managed and operated by computer systems joined to the domain:

  • Payroll & Accounting
  • Human Resources
  • Shipping & Receiving
  • IT & Networking
  • Research & Development
  • Sales & Marketing

You get the idea. Name a function within the business and it is likely managed by people who use computer systems that are joined to an Active Directory domain. Therefore, as penetration testers, we can conclude that our simulated cyber-attack can’t get much worse than gaining domain admin privileges on our client’s network.

10.1   Identifying domain admin user accounts

10.1.1    Using net to query Active Directory groups

10.1.2    Locating logged in domain admin users

10.2   Obtaining domain admin privileges

10.2.1    Impersonating logged in users with Incognito

10.2.2    Harvesting cleartext credentials with Mimikatz

10.3   Ntds.dit and the keys to the kingdom

10.3.1    Bypassing restrictions with volume shadow copies

10.3.2    Extracting all the hashes with secretsdump.py

10.4   Summary
