About this book
Phoenix in Action was written to help you learn the Phoenix framework from ground zero. We’ll start as if you have no knowledge of how the framework functions, and by the final chapter, you’ll have written a functioning auction site (in the spirit of eBay). The web application you’ll create isn’t going to be feature-complete, and it won’t win any awards for design, but what you’ll learn in this book will give you the tools to expand on the application and continue to build it. Or, if you’d rather, you can finally create that web application that’s been bouncing around in your head for months.
Both beginner and experienced developers will find a home in this book. But if you’ve never written code before, this book won’t serve as an introduction to general programming. For those who’ve never written any Elixir, chapter 2 will give you an overview of the language and teach you just enough to get you going. As you progress through the book, I’ll introduce new techniques and ideas as you need them, and I’ll point out best practices when I can. Beyond that, I’ll remind you of things we’ve covered in previous chapters in order to solidify that knowledge.
Phoenix in Action is divided into 3 parts that consist of 14 chapters.
Part 1 covers the basics of Phoenix and Elixir and introduces the broad topics of programming in each: