1 Podman: next generation container engine


This chapter covers

  • What is Podman
  • Advantages of Podman over Docker
  • Examples of using Podman

Podman stands for Pod Manager. Pod is a concept popularized by the Kubernetes project. A pod is one or more containers sharing the same namespaces and cgroups (resource constraints). Pods will be covered in Chapter 4.

The podman.io website states “Podman is a daemonless container engine for developing, managing, and running OCI Containers on your Linux System. Containers can either be run as root or in rootless mode.”

Podman often is described as “alias docker=podman” because Podman can do almost everything that Docker can do. Podman does this with the same command line as Docker. But as you will see in this book, Podman can do so much more.

Podman is an open source container engine. It allows you to find, run, develop, share and deploy applications using Open Containers Initiative (OCI) Containers and Container Images. All of the OCI standards for images, runtime, and distribution are supported by Podman.


The Open Container Initiative (OCI) is a standards body whose primary goal is  creating open industry standards around container formats and runtimes. See more at https://opencontainers.org.

1.1      A brief overview of containers

1.1.1   Container images: new way to ship software

1.1.2   Container image format

1.1.3   Container standards

1.2      Why Podman when you have Docker?

1.2.1   Rootless containers

1.2.2   Fork/Exec Model

1.2.3   Daemon-less

1.2.4   User Friendly Command Line

1.2.5   Integration with systemd

1.2.6   Pods

1.2.7   Customizable Registries

1.2.8   Multiple transports

1.2.9   Complete customizability

1.2.10    User Namespace support

1.3      When not to use Podman

1.4      Summary
