Chapter 5. Modeling dependencies with Bayesian and Markov networks


This chapter covers

  • Types of relationships among variables in a probabilistic model and how these relationships translate into dependencies
  • How to express these various types of dependencies in Figaro
  • Bayesian networks: models that encode directed dependencies among variables
  • Markov networks: models that encode undirected dependencies among variables
  • Practical examples of Bayesian and Markov networks

In chapter 4, you learned about the relationships between probabilistic models and probabilistic programs, and you also saw the ingredients of a probabilistic model, which are variables, dependencies, functional forms, and numerical parameters. This chapter focuses on two modeling frameworks: Bayesian networks and Markov networks. Each framework is based on a different way of encoding dependencies.

5.1. Modeling dependencies

5.2. Using Bayesian networks

5.3. Exploring a Bayesian network example

5.4. Using probabilistic programming to extend Bayesian networks: pred- dicting product success

5.5. Using Markov networks

5.6. Summary

5.7. Exercises
