Chapter 6. Using Scala and Figaro collections to build up models


This chapter covers

  • How to use collections to organize probabilistic models
  • The difference between Scala collections and Figaro collections, the roles of each, and how to use them together
  • Common modeling patterns that can be expressed using collections, including hierarchical Bayesian modeling, modeling situations with an unknown number of objects, and models defined over a continuous region

In the preceding two chapters, you’ve gained a solid foundation in probabilistic modeling. This chapter focuses on the programming aspect of probabilistic programming and shows you ways that the features of a programming language can help you build probabilistic models. In particular, you’re going to focus on collections.

Collections are one of the most useful features of high-level programming languages, because they let you organize many items of the same type and treat them as a group. For example, if you’re working with lots of integers, you can put them in an array and then write a loop to go through all entries in the array, multiply them by 2, and add them. Or, in functional programming terms, you can write a map function to multiply every entry in the array by 2 and a fold function to perform the addition. The same holds for probabilistic programming; if you have many variables of the same type, you can put them in a collection and operate on them with functions such as map and fold.

6.1. Using Scala collections

6.2. Using Figaro collections

6.3. Modeling situations with an unknown number of objects

6.4. Working with infinite processes

6.5. Summary

6.6. Exercises
