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About this book


As you work through the book, you’ll see how the Reactive Manifesto and reactive concepts fit into this new era of software development. In part 1 of the book, you’ll see an overview of the reactive approach and why it’s needed in the coming years, as well as a more in-depth look at how you can design systems with reactive traits in mind. From there, you’ll get acquainted with Akka.NET, an actor model implementation in .NET that allows you to write applications in the reactive style. Following this, you’ll build an understanding of the fundamentals of writing applications using Akka.NET before you look at how to apply these principles in the applications you write, thanks to the Akka.NET ecosystem.

Who should read this book?

Reactive Applications with Akka.NET is written for those with little-to-no experience with Akka.NET, the actor model, or reactive systems, who have encountered difficulties in creating applications that are resilient and scalable. Readers should be comfortable with C# or F# and the .NET framework, but no previous reactive experience is needed.

How is this book organized?

This book has three parts spanning 13 chapters. Part 1 sets the stage for moving into a reactive mindset:

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