About this Book
Relevant Search teaches you to respond to users’ searches with content that satisfies and sells. You’ll learn to tightly control search results ranking based on your criteria instead of the mystical whims of the search engine. We outline an approach for deeply customizing Solr or Elasticsearch relevance ranking as well as methods to help you discover what relevant means for your application.
Relevant Search is for Solr or Elasticsearch developers stuck wondering why the search engine doesn’t “get” their users’ searches. Readers with at least a basic familiarity of their search engine can use this book to take their skills to the next level. Although this book is technical, a great deal of its content frames relevance from an organizational and product-strategy point of view—for product managers, content strategists, marketing, or domain experts focused on search.
We organize Relevant Search by progressing through a technical foundation, and building up to product strategy and cultural issues you’ll face when defining and solving search relevance. The book ends with next steps: how to get started with personalized search, semantic search, and recommendations.