About this Book
So many of us pick up techniques from the community, learning stylesheet hacks and other tricks in short-form blog posts or screencasts. This book aims to present a top-down survey of two tools—Sass and Compass—to expand your CSS toolkit and make you a better stylesheet author. While focusing on practical application, we take a systematic approach to teaching Sass syntax and applying the patterns in the Compass framework. Hopefully, the reader will walk away with a more complete understanding of both Sass and Compass.
This book is designed for two main audiences. First, we want to reach out to web designers, those who write a lot of CSS but might not have considered ways to automate parts of the stylesheet authoring process. Second, we want to show full stack developers how to treat stylesheets, images, and fonts like any other project asset and how to handle them throughout the lifecycle of a project from development to production.
If you’re new to Sass and Compass, you might find yourself jumping to appendixes A and B as you begin the book. Those appendixes provide setup instructions and other prerequisites you’ll need for the book.
Chapter 1 dives right into the powerful features of the Sass language. You’ll discover not only exciting features, but hopefully a renewed joy for CSS when the tedium of static stylesheets disappears. We’ll also give you a taste of the Compass framework in examples that provide practical application of Sass’s features.