11 SSI governance frameworks


Drummond Reed

    In chapter 2, we introduced the basic concept of the governance framework as a core building block of SSI architecture. In this chapter, we go much deeper into the special role governance frameworks play in fusing SSI technology with the realities of business, law, and society. As you read this chapter, keep in mind that SSI is a cutting-edge technology movement, and SSI governance frameworks are at the cutting edge of SSI. As a result, there are still relatively few governance frameworks in production as examples to which we can point. However, many in the SSI community believe they will be a crucial part of SSI’s success. In particular, the ToIP Foundation is the first industry body to explicitly focus on the role of governance frameworks in decentralized digital trust infrastructure. This chapter will use the ToIP stack and other initiatives in the space to explain how different governance frameworks are relevant to each layer of SSI architecture. This subject will undoubtedly evolve quickly over the next few years; our goal is for this chapter to be a starting point for anyone who wants to explore and/or contribute to this area.

    11.1 Governance frameworks and trust frameworks: Some background

    11.2 The governance trust triangle

    11.3 The Trust over IP governance stack

    11.3.1 Layer 1: Utility governance frameworks

    11.3.2 Layer 2: Provider governance frameworks

    11.3.3 Layer 3: Credential governance frameworks

    11.3.4 Layer 4: Ecosystem governance frameworks

    11.4 The role of the governance authority

    11.5 What specific problems can governance frameworks solve?

    11.5.1 Discovery of authoritative issuers and verified members

    11.5.2 Anti-coercion

    11.5.3 Certification, accreditation, and trust assurance

    11.5.4 Levels of assurance (LOAs)

    11.5.5 Business rules

    11.5.6 Liability and insurance
