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Thank you for purchasing a copy of Software Testing with Generative AI and joining me to explore how the exciting world of Large language models can have a positive effect on our testing craft. To get the most from this book, I encourage you to have both an open mind and a skeptical one. In more traditional skills, you’ll also want to be comfortable with the many facets of testing, from automation to exploratory testing. Though this is a book that will introduce you to the use of LLMs, it is assumed that you have some experience in professional testing.

When I began this book, I came into it confident that although Large language models were astonishing in their ability to respond to our requests, they are ultimately software. Over the past decade, I have been lucky enough to travel the world, educating others and encouraging them to use software to help enhance testing, as opposed to replacing it. So, when the opportunity to write this book appeared, I couldn’t resist.

That is not to say it’s been easy to compile the experiences and examples within this book. How does one teach someone to use a tool that is indeterministic in behavior? That’s why, as you read the examples and use cases I have shared within these pages, I urge you to think about not just how LLMs are being used to achieve certain actions but also the relationship between LLMs and ourselves.
