About this Book
Welcome to SonarQube in Action. This book is aimed at turning all the tedious and sometimes hard-to-understand stuff about source code quality and software metrics into an exciting experience. It aims to become the Holy Bible of software quality: a reference for every development team that wishes to improve their source code. You’ll see that metrics are meaningful and affect several aspects of your software’s health. In this journey, SonarQube will be our pilot. SonarQube is an open source platform for continuously measuring, managing, tracking, and improving source code’s quality.
We begin each chapter of the book by describing a real problem/situation, and then we talk about the features of SonarQube and the relevant metrics that help you address and eventually solve that problem. We elaborate by providing some theoretical background, we discuss best practices (if any), and we end each chapter by talking about relevant—to the chapter’s topic—SonarQube plugins and how you can take advantage of them.
Now it’s time to list in detail the book’s content.
Part 1 gives you an overview of SonarQube, explains the seven axes of quality (like the seven deadly sins of software development), and sets the stage for the following parts. We introduce SonarQube’s key features and benefits and discuss the core metrics that SonarQube calculates.