Chapter 8. Planning a strategy and expanding your insight


This chapter covers

  • Planning your strategy
  • Project history and metric trending
  • Everything’s a component

So far, you’ve installed SonarQube and begun analyzing your projects, and you’ve taken an in-depth look at each of SonarQube’s Seven Axes of Quality, the seven ways SonarQube measures what’s right or wrong with your code. If you’re typical (and don’t worry, you probably are typical) you’re wondering how you’ll ever get through all the things SonarQube points out that need work.

It may be intimidating, but it’s probably also clear that what SonarQube offers is too valuable to walk away from. So now what? As with any big job, the best thing to do is break it down into small, manageable chunks, and that’s what the next few chapters will help you do. In part 2, we’ll help you see how to begin fitting SonarQube and what it has to say into your daily and weekly routines with Continuous Inspection, code reviews, and IDE integration.

8.1. Planning your strategy

8.2. History and trending

8.3. Everything’s a component

8.4. Related plugins

8.5. Summary
