Chapter 9. Continuous Inspection with SonarQube


This chapter covers

  • Understanding Continuous Inspection
  • Triggering your analysis with Continuous Integration
  • Monitoring quality evolution

With half the book behind you, you now have a thorough grounding in what SonarQube is telling you, including an in-depth understanding of the metrics behind the Seven Axes of Quality and a handle on how to tackle what those metrics show.

In this chapter we shift gears from theory to practice, with the introduction of Continuous Inspection, a practice that will boost your return on investment in SonarQube. So far, we’ve mentioned Continuous Integration (CI) a few times and hinted at its advantages. Now we’ll go in depth, starting with Continuous Inspection’s big picture and how SonarQube perfectly fits into a streamlined development process.

We’ll look at why it’s important to automate the Continuous Inspection practice and how easily that automation can be done. We’ll give you a step-by-step guide to integrating SonarQube with a CI system to automate your everyday analysis, and we’ll offer advice on best practices.

9.1. Introducing Continuous Inspection

9.2. Triggering your analysis with CI

9.3. Monitoring quality evolution

9.4. Related plugins

9.5. Summary
