About this Book
This book was written to give you an introductory look at what it takes to create a single-page application. The book not only introduces you to frameworks and technologies for creating an SPA but also shows you how to unit test them and how to automate client-side development and build-related tasks.
Because part of the process of creating an SPA is deciding what your technology stack will look like, the book compares various approaches used by today’s leading JavaScript frameworks. One of the reasons why so many frameworks exist is that there’s no single correct way to build an application. By comparing different frameworks, you can better decide what’s right for you and your next project.
Each chapter of the book includes a complete, working application. I’ve tried to keep things interesting yet not overwhelming. I’m not a fan of long-running examples that fill half a book with pages and pages of source code to wade through. So I decided to create a separate project for each chapter. I also tried to keep each example as small and to the point as possible while still being interesting and relevant to the concepts and topics for the chapter.
Part 1: The basics