Chapter 2. Spring Batch concepts


This chapter covers

  • Defining the domain language
  • Surveying infrastructure components
  • Modeling jobs
  • Understanding job execution

Chapter 1 introduced Spring Batch with some hands-on examples. You saw how to implement a batch process from soup to nuts: from business requirements to the batch implementation and finally to running the process. This introduction got you started with Spring Batch and gave you a good overview of the framework’s features. It’s time to strengthen this newly acquired knowledge by diving into batch applications concepts and their associated vocabulary, or domain language.

Batch applications are complex entities that refer to many components, so in this chapter we use the Spring Batch domain language to analyze, model, and define the components of batch applications. This vocabulary is a great communication tool for us in this book but also for you, your team, and your own batch applications. We first explore Spring Batch’s services and built-in infrastructure components for batch applications: the job launcher and job repository. Then, we dive into the heart of the batch process: the job. Finally, we study how to model a Spring Batch job and how the framework handles job execution.

2.1. The batch domain language

2.2. The Spring Batch infrastructure

2.3. Anatomy of a job

2.4. Summary
