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We might be on to something

I remember sitting with cloud luminaries and colleagues, James Watters and Andrew Clay Shafer, in a café in Santa Monica, California in 2015. We were at a crossroads. The Spring team had launched Spring Boot in 2013, and it was generally available in 2014. And in 2015, it was taking off. We knew people were excited about the possibilities, and we knew people were embracing it, but we also knew we hadn’t quite gotten there. It was too big to know when or where there was. I still don’t know if we know. It is early 2022 as I write this, and the project is growing day by day. I still don’t know if we know where there is.

“We might be on to something,” we agreed. Indeed.

I still don’t know if we’re there, of course. But I do know that to get there, we need people to be on the same page and familiar with the landscape. You can’t find your way around without proper orientation. This book, Spring Boot in Practice, gives me hope. It avoids the vertigo typical of most attempts to scale the rock face that is server-side application and service development by offering a steady hand.



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