Chapter 18. Messaging with WebSocket and STOMP


This chapter covers

  • Sending messages between the browser and the server
  • Handling messages in Spring MVC controllers
  • Sending user-targeted messages

In the previous chapter, you saw ways to send messages between applications using JMS and AMQP. Asynchronous messaging is a common form of communication between applications. But when one of those applications is running in a web browser, something a little different is needed.

WebSocket is a protocol providing full-duplex communication across a single socket. It enables, among other things, asynchronous messaging between a web browser and a server. Being full-duplex means that the server can send messages to the browser as well as the browser sending messages to the server.

Spring 4.0 introduced support for WebSocket communication, including

  • A low-level API for sending and receiving messages
  • A higher-level API for handling messages in Spring MVC controllers
  • A messaging template for sending messages
  • SockJS support to cope with the lack of WebSocket support in browsers, servers, and proxies

In this chapter, you’ll learn how to achieve asynchronous communication between a server and a browser-based application using Spring’s WebSocket features. We’ll start by looking at how to work with Spring’s low-level WebSocket API.

18.1. Working with Spring’s low-level WebSocket API

18.2. Coping with a lack of WebSocket support

18.3. Working with STOMP messaging

18.4. Working with user-targeted messages

18.5. Handling message exceptions

18.6. Summary
