Praise for the Third Edition of Spring in Action


Continues to be the de-facto reference guide to Spring. Offers clear explanations of concepts with very good examples in an easy-to-read format.

Dan Dobrin, CIBC

An indispensable guide to the large landscape of Spring.

Mykel Alvis, Automaton Online

The one book you need on your desk when working with Spring.

Josh Devins, Nokia

Covers both the fundamentals and the breadth of Spring.

Chad Davis, Blackdog Software, Inc.

Using Spring is not difficult—but with this book it becomes much easier.

Alberto Lagna, Biznology

One of my favorite technology books. Great content delivered by a great teacher.

Robert Hanson, Author of Manning’s GWT in Action

The right dose of humor with a load of technical wisdom is the perfect mix for learning Spring.

Valentin Crettaz, Goomzee

Tremendous focus—and fun to read.

Doug Warren, Java Web Services

Craig’s witty examples make complex concepts easy to understand.

Dan Alford
