14 Implementing data persistence with Spring Data


This chapter covers

  • How Spring Data works
  • Defining Spring Data repositories
  • Using Spring Data JDBC to implement a Spring app’s persistence layer

In this chapter, you’ll learn to use Spring Data, a Spring ecosystem project that gives you the possibility of implementing a Spring app's persistence layer with minimum effort. As you already know, an application framework’s essential role is providing out-of-the-box capabilities that you can directly plug into apps. Frameworks help us save time and also make apps’ design more comfortable to understand.

You’ll learn to create the app’s repositories only by declaring some interfaces. You’ll let the framework provide implementations for these interfaces. You’ll literally enable your app to work with a database without implementing the repository by yourself and with a minimum effort.

We’ll start the chapter by discussing in section 14.1 how Spring Data works, and in section 14.2, you’ll learn how Spring Data integrates into Spring apps. We’ll then continue in section 14.3 with a practical example where you’ll learn to use Spring Data JDBC to implement an application’s persistence layer.

14.1  What Spring Data is

14.2  How Spring Data works

14.3  Using Spring Data JDBC

14.4  Summary
