19 Spring Security for reactive apps


This chapter covers

  • Using Spring Security with reactive applications.
  • Using reactive apps in a system designed with OAuth 2.

Reactive is a different programming paradigm, where we apply a different way of thinking when developing the application than usual. Reactive applications are a powerful way of developing web apps. We’ve seen them lately used more and more in real-world examples. I would even say that it became a fashion a few years ago when any important conference had at least a few presentations discussing reactive apps. Like any other technology in software development, reactive programming doesn’t represent a solution applicable to every situation.

19.1  What are reactive apps?

19.2  User management in reactive apps

19.3  Configuring authorization rules in reactive apps

19.3.1    Applying authorization at the endpoint layer in reactive apps

19.3.2    Using method security in reactive apps

19.4  Reactive apps and OAuth 2

19.5  Summary
