8 Configuring authorization: Applying restrictions


This chapter covers

  • Selecting requests to apply restrictions using matcher methods
  • Learning best-case scenarios for each matcher method

In chapter 7, you learned how to configure access based on authorities and roles. But we only applied the configurations for all of the endpoints. In this chapter, you’ll learn how to apply authorization constraints to a specific group of requests. In production applications, it’s less probable that you’ll apply the same rules for all requests. You have endpoints that only some specific users can call, while other endpoints might be accessible to everyone. Each application, depending on the business requirements, has its own custom authorization configuration. Let’s discuss the options you have to refer to different requests when you write access configurations.

Even though we didn’t call attention to it, the first matcher method you used was the anyRequest() method. As you used it in the previous chapters, you know now that it refers to all requests, regardless of the path or HTTP method. It is the way you say “any request” or, sometimes, “any other request.”

First, let’s talk about selecting requests by path; then we can also add the HTTP method to the scenario. To choose the requests to which we apply authorization configuration, we use matcher methods. Spring Security offers you three types of matcher methods:

8.1 Using matcher methods to select endpoints

8.2 Selecting requests for authorization using MVC matchers

8.3 Selecting requests for authorization using Ant matchers

8.4 Selecting requests for authorization using regex matchers

