Starting Data Analytics with Generative AI and Python cover
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Thank you for purchasing the Manning Early Access Program (MEAP) edition of our upcoming book, Starting Data Analytics with Generative AI and Python. We are excited to share this comprehensive guide that will help you harness the power of state-of-the-art language models like ChatGPT for data analysis.

The book is designed to be accessible to beginners (both to data analytics, and using advanced data environments), though having some knowledge of data analytics or basic programming concepts will undoubtedly be advantageous. Our aim is to provide you with a clear and practical understanding of modern analytics and how GPT models can be employed in improving their various aspects, with ChatGPT serving as a concrete example.

As you progress through the chapters, you will gain valuable insights into the best practices for using GPT models in data analytics, as well as the risks associated with these cutting-edge tools. You will also look into topics such as data quality, result uncertainty, bias and ethics. We’ll show you where the models can excel but also where they are still lacking. This will all be illustrated by transcripts of conversations with the models. We will guide you on how to use the models to their full potential and how to recognize, manage, and mitigate risks, ensuring that you can confidently and responsibly make the most of GPT-driven data analytics.
