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Thanks for purchasing the MEAP for Think Like a Tech Founder: Anecdotes of an incorrigible entrepreneur. I hope that what you'll get access to will be of immediate use to you and, with your help, the final book will be so much better than it would have been without you!

This is not the typical deeply technical book that Manning normally publishes. This is a business book which I wrote because it is the book I wish I had to refer to as I set out to found and run a series of eight startups from 1988 to the present. I’m not sure if I made more mistakes than other founders/CEOs but it sure seems I really did have a lot of what we euphemistically refer to as “learning experiences”.

Because I was having a lot of these learning experiences over the past decade, I started writing this book in 2011 but just very occasional jotting of notes down. But by the time I agreed to do the book with Manning this past summer I had outlines for 40 anecdotes. There is still a lot of writing to do but luckily I won’t be starting new anecdotes with a blank sheet of paper.
