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About this book


How to use this book

If you’ve never written unit tests before, this book is best read from start to finish so you get the full picture. If you already have experience, you should feel comfortable jumping into the chapters as you see fit.

Who should read this book

The book is for anyone who writes code and is interested in learning best practices for unit testing. All the examples are written in C# using Visual Studio 2008, so .NET developers will find the examples particularly useful. But the lessons I teach apply equally to most, if not all, statically typed object-oriented languages (VB.NET, Java, and C++, to name a few). If you’re a developer, team lead, QA engineer (who writes code), or novice programmer, this book should suit you well.


The book is divided into four parts.

Part 1 takes you from zero to sixty in writing unit tests. Chapters 1 and 2 cover the basics, such as how to use a testing framework (NUnit), and introduce the basic automated test attributes, such as [SetUp] and [TearDown]. They also introduce the ideas of asserts, ignoring tests, and statebased testing.

Code conventions and downloads


Software requirements


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