1 About Python


This chapter covers

  • Why use Python?
  • What Python does well
  • What Python is improving

This book is intended to help people get a solid general understanding of Python as quickly as possible, avoiding getting bogged down in advanced topics but covering the essentials to write and read Python code. In particular, this book is intended for people who are coming to Python from other languages and for those who know a bit of Python but are looking to level up their skills as Python continues to gain popularity, particularly in areas like data science, machine learning, and the sciences. While no prior knowledge of Python is needed, some knowledge and experience with programming is necessary to get the most out of this book.

After introducing Python and offering some advice on getting started with a Python environment, the book provides a quick summary of Python’s syntax, followed by chapters that build from the built-in data types up through creating functions, classes, and packages, as well as some more advanced features and a case study in handling data.

1.1 Why should I use Python?


1.2 What Python does well


1.2.1 Python is easy to use


1.2.2 Python is expressive


1.2.3 Python is readable


1.2.4 Python is complete: “Batteries included”


1.2.5 Python has a rich ecosystem of third-party libraries


1.2.6 Python is cross-platform


1.2.7 Python is free


1.3 What Python is improving


1.3.1 Python is getting faster


1.3.2 Python doesn’t enforce variable types at compile time


1.3.3 Python is improving mobile support


1.3.4 Python is improving support for multiple processors




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