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About this Book


Responsive web design is a technique of designing websites that scale for various browsers, including mobile, tablet, and desktop. It’s made possible through CSS3 Media queries and offers developers the opportunity to design a site once for multiple devices. While the technique is seemingly simple, the practice itself involves several challenges.

In this book we’ll discuss topics related to the practice of responsive web design that will not only give developers the opportunity to sharpen their technical skills, but will also teach designers how to design for this technique. The goal of this book is to not just present the technical challenges, but to elaborate on the design and collaborative challenges that a team faces when embracing responsive web design.

This book is not simply a manual full of step-by-step “how-to” examples. It includes insights for designers and developers into the reasoning behind the practical components of responsive web design, as well as associated tips. Each chapter is not only followed with a summary, but also includes discussion points for internal reflection or conversation starters between designer and developer. My hope is that this book is read among a team and sparks your imagination and strengthens your conversation around responsive web design. Web design is a team sport and hopefully this book will serve as a coach for your team as you delve into this new practice.



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