Chapter 2. Objects, methods, and local variables


This chapter covers

  • Objects and object orientation
  • Innate versus learned object capabilities
  • Method parameter, argument, and calling syntax
  • Local variable assignment and usage
  • Object references

In this chapter, we’ll begin exploring the details of the Ruby programming language. We’ll look first and foremost at the concept of the object, around which almost every line of Ruby code you’ll write will revolve. What you do with objects, broadly speaking, is send them messages, most of which correspond to names of methods that you’re asking objects to execute. We’ll look in considerable detail at the combined processes of message sending and method calling.

Ruby objects are often (perhaps most often) handled via variables that represent them, and in this chapter, we’ll get deeper technically than we have so far into the nature and behavior of variables in Ruby. Once you’ve worked through this chapter, you’ll have a firm foothold in the landscape of Ruby objects and their manipulation.

As always, you can type the code samples into irb, and/or store them in a file that you then run using the Ruby interpreter. Whichever approach you lean toward, it’s not a bad idea to keep an irb session open as you proceed—just in case.

2.1. Talking to objects

2.2. Crafting an object: the behavior of a ticket

2.3. The innate behaviors of an object

2.4. A close look at method arguments

2.5. Local variables and variable assignment

