It’s pretty common to write “Hello, World!” as your first program in any language, so let’s start there. We’re going to work toward making a version that will greet whichever name is passed as an argument. It will also print a helpful message when we ask for it, and we’ll use tests to make sure it does everything correctly.
In the 01_hello directory, you’ll see several versions of the hello program we’ll write. There is also a program called that we’ll use to test the program.
Start off by creating a text file called in that directory. If you are working in VS Code or PyCharm, you can use File > Open to open the 01_hello directory as a project. Both tools have something like a File > New menu option that will allow you to create a new file in that directory. It’s very important to create the file inside the 01_hello directory so that the program can find it.
print('Hello, World!')