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About this Book


The Apache Tuscany open source project was created to overcome the challenges associated with creating, deploying, and managing service-based applications—in particular, applications made of many components, potentially written using different programming languages, using different data formats, and communicating with various communication protocols. Apache Tuscany, or just Tuscany for short, provides the infrastructure that solves this problem and allows companies to focus on developing business components rather than worrying about managing and maintaining the underlying infrastructure.

The Tuscany project encompasses a number of different technologies, but the glue that binds everything together is provided by the Service Component Architecture (SCA). Tuscany SCA in Action focuses on SCA and explains how composite applications can be developed easily using the Apache Tuscany SCA Java runtime, or Tuscany SCA for short. This book is a tool for learning SCA and Tuscany. It provides detailed practical examples and is a guide for those wanting to learn how to create real applications. The source code for the examples in this book is available from the Apache Tuscany project at http://tuscany.apache.org/sca-java-travel-sample-1x-releases.html, or from the publisher’s website at www.manning.com/TuscanySCAinAction.

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