5 From discovery to UX and UI: Tools of the voice design trade


This chapter covers

  • Where and how to find voice-relevant data for your discovery process
  • How to turn your discovery findings into a high-level VUI specification and flow
  • A comparison of common VUI design documentation methods
  • An introduction to early-stage VUI design testing

You’ve reached the final chapter of Part 2. After this, we move from the planning phase to the core building phase, the detailed design and development. In this chapter we show you how and where to find data that helps answer your discovery questions; data that can guide your design before you have users, or when your user access is limited. Fortunately, there’s a lot you can do quickly and cheaply if you know what questions to ask and how to ask them. Then you’ll meet the common approaches of documenting the VUI design you settle on. It won’t be a how-to lesson of tools, but an overview of what some experienced VUI designers use and why. If you’re in charge of VUI design in your organization, this gives you something to consider and choose from. If you enter an existing organization, of course you’ll use what’s in use already. But who knows: maybe you can bring change! The chapter wraps up with an introduction to some powerful methods of testing your UI assumptions and what the results can tell you. You’ll learn more about how to run these methods later in the book. 

5.1 Where to find early user data on any budget

5.1.1 Online research and crowd sourcing options

5.1.2 Dialog participant observation

5.1.3 Focus groups, interviews, and surveys

5.2 How discovery results feed into VUI design decisions

5.2.1 Dialog manager graph, yes; hierarchical decision tree, no

5.3 Capturing and documenting VUI design

5.3.1 Dialog flows

5.3.2 Sample dialogs

5.3.3 Detailed design specifications

5.3.4 VUI design documentation approaches

5.4 Prototyping and testing your assumptions

5.4.1 Early voice UX and prototyping approaches

5.5 What’s next?

5.6 Summary
