Chapter 2. The Vue instance


This chapter covers

  • Creating a Vue instance
  • Observing the Vue lifecycle
  • Adding data to a Vue instance
  • Binding data to markup
  • Formatting our output

Over the course of this book we’re going to build a complete web application: a webstore with product listings, a checkout process, an administrative interface, and more. The completed webstore may seem like it’s a long way off, especially if you’re new to web application development, but Vue allows you to start small, build on what you learn, and ship a sophisticated product in one smooth progression.

The key to Vue’s consistency at every stage of an application’s growth is the Vue instance. A Vue application is a Vue instance, Vue components are all Vue instances, and you can even extend Vue by creating instances with your own custom properties.

It’s impossible to touch on all the facets of the Vue instance in a single chapter, so we’ll build on the foundation we establish as our application evolves. As we explore new features in chapters to come, we’ll often refer to what we learn about the Vue instance and the Vue lifecycle in this chapter.

2.1. Our first application

2.2. The Vue lifecycle

2.3. Displaying a product

2.4. Applying output filters


