Part 1. An introduction to messaging and ActiveMQ
Apache ActiveMQ is a message broker for remote communication between systems using the JMS (Java Message Service) specification. Although ActiveMQ is written in Java, APIs for many languages other than Java are provided, including C/C++, .NET, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, and many more. This book provides the information you need to understand, configure, and use ActiveMQ successfully to meet the requirements of many business applications.
In part 1, you’ll be introduced to ActiveMQ briefly to get you up and running. We’ll discuss the concepts surrounding message-oriented middleware and JMS so that you have an adequate background on how enterprise messaging came to be what it is today. We’ll also introduce the examples for the book, including their use cases and how to run each example. We’ll use these examples throughout the book, so it’s important to understand them before they’re applied through the chapters. The chapters in part 1 provide a good base set of knowledge that prepares you for the rest of the book.