Chapter 6. Data from your production systems


This chapter covers

  • How the tasks you’re working on provide value back to the consumer
  • Adding production monitoring data to your feedback loop
  • Best practices to get the most out of your application monitoring systems

Figure 6.1 shows where the data covered in this chapter can be found in the software delivery lifecycle.

Figure 6.1. You are here: application monitoring’s place in the application lifecycle

Once your application is in production, there are a couple more types of data that you can look at to help determine how well your team is performing: application performance monitoring (APM) data and business intelligence (BI) data.

  • APM data shows you how well your application is performing from a technical point of view.
  • BI data shows you how well your application is serving your consumer.

Data from your production systems mainly produces reactive metrics. Your release cycle is behind you; you thought your code was good enough for the consumer and you put it out there. Now you have to watch to make sure you understand how it’s working and if the changes you made are good—or not. Your sponsor will also likely care how well the features you’re delivering are serving the consumer.

6.1. Preparing for analysis: generating the richest set of data you can

6.2. The data you’ll be working with: what you can get from your APM systems

6.3. Case study: a team moves to DevOps and continuous delivery

6.4. Summary
