12 Overcoming ranking bias through Active Learning
This chapter covers
- Harnessing live user interactions to gather feedback on our LTR model
- A/B testing search relevance solutions with live users
- Using Active Learning to exploring possible relevant results beyond the top results we always show users
- Balancing exploiting what we’ve learned from historical data and exploring what might be relevant
So far, our Learning to Rank (LTR) work has happened in the lab. In previous chapters, we built models using automatically constructed training data from user clicks. In this chapter, we’ll take our model into the real world for a test drive with (simulated) live users!
Recall that we compared a fully Automated LTR system to a self-driving car. Internally, the car has an engine: the end-to-end model retraining on historical judgments as discussed in Chapter 10. In Chapter 11 we compared our model’s training data to self-driving car directions: what should we optimize to automatically learn judgments based on previous interactions with search results? We built training data and overcame key biases inherent in click data.